Offensive Range

Offensive Range

OFFENSIVE RANGE The number one most asked question for me is, “how can I jump higher?”. I’m an undersized player and I really want to maximize my jump, and I certainly understand that desire. But a better question is, “how could I be a more effective hitter?”. I would...
Mission Statement 2008

Mission Statement 2008

MISSION STATEMENT 2008 On crafting the 2008 Mission Statement Our coach, Hugh, led us through the construction of a mission statement. We did a little bit of small group things. What are we setting out to do, that was the first thing. Our mission statement reads...
Why No. 8

Why No. 8

WHY NUMBER 8? The jersey number 8 was not something I chose, it was given to me when I made my first roster on Team USA.  It’s interesting though as it’s become part of my identity, sort of synonymous with my name. I wore #10 in High School and #14 in College. I...
Thank You, Doug Beal

Thank You, Doug Beal

THANK YOU, DOUG BEAL I, like most of you, learned from the release this week that Jamie Davis is the new CEO for USAV. I’m excited and look forward to the potential ahead and whether it’s his influence or not, love the amount of digital content USAV has...